Semi Truck Hoods and Ways to Listen to Music

Semi Truck Hoods and Ways to Listen to Music

Bobby Shell |

Semi Truck Hoods and Ways to Listen to Music

If there is one thing most truck drivers can't imagine not having while on the road, it would be the ability to listen to music. In fact, for many truck drivers. listening to music is an essential part of their everyday road life.

Now, the way truckers listen to music has drastically changed over the years. Really, it wasn’t all that long ago when the music choices were limited to what was on the radio. Heck, there were long stretches in which a truck driver may only have the choice of listening to a religious station or NPR.

But then came eight-track players, cassette players and eventually the compact disc. That changed everything because it gave truckers the option of playing music they want to hear.

But now, even CDs are outdated. Big Truck Hoods, your source for semi truck hoods, offers you ways in which you can listen to music while on the road.

Streaming Music

One way to listen to music is by streaming it using an app like Pandora. Pandora allows you to choose your favorite genre of music or a beloved artist that exemplifies your taste and using an algorithm, Pandora generates music you should like.

For example, you can Provide Pandora with Johnny Cash and it will play music based on him. So in addition to playing Johnny Cash, Pandora would also play songs from similar artists and similar genres.

There are also music apps that let you play radio stations from all around the world. This can get a little tough because of the variety, it’s hard to select just one radio station you want to listen to.

Flash Drives

Flash drives are small memory sticks with a USB interface that holds a ton of data. In the case of a truck driver who is looking for ways to play music, a flash drive can hold a bunch of music.

In fact, you could have several flash drives, each with a unique playlist to use throughout your road trip. Changing a playlist is as easy as swapping out your flash drive.

The beauty of flash drives is that they have declined in price over the years and have more memory than ever.


There is nothing wrong with using technology that has aged a bit. The iPod is the perfect way to play music on a road trip for many truck drivers. And Apple may have slowed the production of the beloved iPod, but you can still find them out there.

Don’t be ashamed of using older music formats. There are many people who prefer to buy physical copies of CDs and albums for there home stereo system and load them up on their iPod when they hit the road.

Satellite Radio

If AM and FM aren’t cutting it for you, you can always buy a subscription to a satellite radio station, like XM for example. XM offers dozens of great radio stations in various genres including sports and talk radio.

Regardless of the way you listen to music, we can all agree that Big Truck Hoods is the place to shop aftermarket semi bumpers and hoods.